Friday, April 24, 2009

Ghost of W212.

  yes its me, i'm the ghost of W212. why so? cos i'm the pioneer of the pioneer(excluding eric sim). i've seen so many left, so many coming in, so many rising up, so many leaving the church. from single to attached, from attached to engaged and to married (ok only 1). 

it was so fun, it is still fun, and it will always be fun. i still rmb the first batch, garvin, yi chao, yi run, willabelle, santy, to the shing, david, timo chan, tian yi, not forgetting ruo yang, to the now debbie, sher, kenneth, jason, flora, pierson, brandon, joel and lionel. definitely also the 8 notorious SA guys. the so many faces and phases of W212. 

its just true that we have awesome fellowship, thats why we're so bonded and even when we see each other we still remind each other of the past. what's gonna happen this time round, god knows. i'm anxious still. will those i hold dear to me go? or will i the ghost go? lol i cant wait to find out.

stay tuned for more.

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